Frühjahr 2017: Nachtrag "Colours of the World"

Filmbeitrag (1:03 min)

Während ihres Aufenthalts in Rohrbach in Rahmen des Projekts „Colours of the World“ verletzte sich Georgia Lima aus Brasilien beim Turnen mit den Schülern der dritten Klasse schwer.
Im Zeichenunterricht wurden Bilder ihres Lieblingsmalers Romero Britto nachgemalt.
Lisa, Helene und Michael fertigten Fotos der Zeichnungen an. Michalel, der zu diesem Zeitpunkt einen Gips hatte, übertrug die Fotos auf den Laptop und schrieb auch den Text für das Mail.
Frau Stöbich fügte die Bilder zu einem Film zusammen und Herr Madlmayr übermittelte Brief und Film per Mail an Georgia.

Dear Georgia,

First, we hope you are fine. Your presentation about Brazil was great. It was fun to play ball games with you in the gym. We had an awsome time together and we will always keep this in our minds
J. To show our gratitude we made this short film out of pictures from your favourite drawer Romeo Britto. We made them in our art lessons with our teacher Mrs Stöbich.

Yours, 3b class Rohrbach

Hello, Hermann!

Good to know the news about you and Dagmar. I really want to go to Italy one day. It seems like a beautiful country. Nice experience you had with the volcanos.

Now, about the best part: this wonderful surprise from the kids. I just LOVED it. I will keep it with me to see again and again. They're so talented and special to me. Thank you so much for sharing this with me. You made my day happy.

And about my foot, it's better, I don't use crutches anymore, and it just swollen sometimes but it's normal.

I hope all the best for you, Dagmar and the kids. 

Georgia Lima